Eucatastrophic Paintings

Plasma Tigerlily Zoya (pictured, stretching, below) is High Priestess of the Numm and Curator of our Eucatastrophic Paintings gallery. Moreover, she is proud to be involved in every stage of the creative process, from modelling to stepping in the paint to sitting on the easel.

Venice. by Janet Howse. 2004. Photography by Joseph Howse.

Here, in her kittenhood, Plasma poses with one of Janet Howse's works. This painting is said to have been inspired in part by sights and smells in the Venetian Lagoon, including the island monastery (and former leper colony) of San Lazzaro. "She swore, in faith, 'twas strange, 'twas passing stange" (Othello, act 1, scene 3, line 160).

Another day, another gondola! Return to this Most Serene Nummocracy, in spirit and in bandwidth! More of the collection will be hung in this space soon.

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